Transition Year Programme
Transition Year is a one year programme. It provides a bridge to enable students to make the transition from Junior to Senior cycle. It encourages personal and social development and recognizes the need for students to grow in independence.
Transition year fosters academic achievement as students prepare for a Leaving Certificate Programme, further study and adult and working life. It encourages the development of a wide range of transferable critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills.
A student’s experience of Transition Year (click here!)
Core Subjects
Irish, English, Maths, Applied Maths, French/German, I.T., Coding, Business Studies, History, Geography, Careers, Chinese, Religion and PE.
Students have the opportunity to sample each of the Science subjects, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Agricultural Science in 9 week blocks. Each of the Practical subjects, Technology, Home Economics, Music, and Art together with Philosophy and Japanese are also sampled in 9 week blocks.
Additional Activities may include
- Driving Tuition
- Cardiac First Responders Course
- Outdoor Pursuits- Birr OEC (residential)
- Surfing – Bens Surf Clinic
- Outdoor Pursuits – Burren OETC
- BOI Money Smarts Challenge
- Activities as part of Science Week, Engineers Week
- STEPS: ‘Engineering your Future’ – TY Programme
- UCC Prep for Med
- RCSI MiniMed
- Law Education for Schools – including Visit to Criminal Courts of Justice / Mock Trial
- Look into Law TY Programme – The Bar of Ireland
- Music Production – Createschool
- Drumkit Workshop
- Team Hope – Christmas Shoebox appeal
- Visit to National Ploughing Championships, Kilmainham Gaol, Irish Workhouse Centre Portumna, Clonmacnoise, Spike Island, Brigit’s Garden
- Mini Company & Christmas Market
- Industry Visit –LM Ericsson, Zimmer Biomet, J & J Visioncare
- Geography Fieldwork – Burren OETC
- Third Level College Open Days (NUIG /UCC / UCD / TCD/ UL/Mary I)
- TY Drama Festival – Briery Gap
- Soroptimist Public Speaking Competition
- Concern Debates
- Press Pass Student Journalism and News Literacy programme
- ECO- UNESCO Young Environmentalist Awards
- CanSat
- FI in schools
- AILO (All Ireland Linguistics Olympiad)
- Easter Camp to China
- GAA Future Leaders Programme
- Young Social Innovators (YSI)
- Pope John Paul II awards
- Community Work (1 week ) & Work Placement (1 week)